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Player : Kiba Muramasa
Age : 30
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Height : 173cm
Weight : 60kg
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Magical Beasts Empty Magical Beasts

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:48 am

Magical Beasts


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Magical Beasts RlNMUAA

Beastiary Guidelines

Beastiary is separated into two categories, Familiars and Magical Beasts. Familiars are normal animals that becomes a Pet/Companion as the Roleplay progresses while Magical Beasts are abnormal looking creatures that may become a part of your story or character if required. Everyone will have 1 Beastiary Slot that can hold 1 Familiar but not Magical Beasts.

You can create a Familiar by using the Beastiary Creation Template and posting it under the Beastiary section. You can also add Physical Techniques for your Familiar by using the Beast Technique Template and posting it in the Beastiary section.


Familiars are ordinary creatures that can form lifelong bonds with players. You can only have one familiar slot because of the special bond between the player and the familiar. You can only get another if it's killed by action out of your control. Abandoning or killing your own familiar will cause animals not to trust you and deny you the ability to have another.

Below you'll find the guidelines for Familiars anyone could use.

  • Everyone has a "Familiar Slot," a mechanic similar to a Trait.
  • You must spend 1,000 words finding and bonding with the animal to obtain a familiar.
  • First, you must create the familiar and claim it on your character page once approved.
  • If your character dies, your familiar will stay near your body, trying to fight off whatever killed you. Should they make it out of the encounter, they can be trained by a close friend or family member of the player for 1,000 words.
  • Familiars must match in size their real-life counterparts.
  • Familiars have access to Traits and Physical Techniques under Beastiary.
  • Familiars have to train these techniques at standard costs.
  • Familiars possess passive abilities related to their species, such as a fish breathing underwater or flying birds. These abilities are decided upon Familiar creation. They can have three in total.
  • Familiars cannot wield weapons but can wear one armor. Once you buy an armor for your familiar, it will be retrofitted to match their dimensions.
  • Familiars can have 100 points in each stat field.
  • Familiars can level up on their Power Rank.
  • Familiars receive Stamina Points similar to player characters, that needs to be claimed in the exit.
  • Familiars can split the SP rewards with their owners or claim them all during missions.
  • Any Claws and Fangs on the animal count as if they have 50 Durability; if broken, they cannot be used for the remaining topic. Furthermore, physical strikes with these claws and fangs follow the sharp weapon formula of Speed/2.

Familiar Power Rank System:

Magical Beasts

Magical Beasts are extraordinary creatures that are created by the Hunter RPG Staff, that can form special bonds with players if captured. Magical Beast are only available if there are found in the thread you are actively participating. A Moderator, will be the narrating the Magical Beasts.

To capture a Magical Beast, you will need to defeat the creature to Zero Health and use the Beast Contract on it. A dice will be rolled to identify if you have captured it and if you do, the creature is yours and if you do not, the creature will vanish. You can purchase and utilize additional Magic Treats to increase the odd of capturing. You can gain up to three Magical Beasts slots. To summon the Magical Beast, the character has to touch the ground or any solid surface and say its name.

Below you'll find the guidelines for Magical Beast anyone could use.

  • You must first defeat the Magical Beasts in the thread you are participating.
  • If you have defeated the beast, you need to use the Beast Contract on the beast to capture it.
  • If successfully captured, you may claim it on your Character Page.
  • If your character dies, your Beast Contract will be voided and all of your Magical Beasts will be released.
  • Magical Beast can't be traded but can be sold in the Player Shop or Underground Auction.
  • Magical Beast already comes with Traits and Physical Techniques depending on their Power Rank.
  • Magical Beast possess passive abilities related to their species, such as a fish breathing underwater or flying birds. These abilities are decided upon Familiar creation. They can have five in total.
  • Magical Beast cannot wield weapons or armors.
  • Magical Beast needs to be tamed via WC before character can summon it for battle.
  • Magical Beast do not receive any AP or SP.
  • Magical Beast be smaller than 15cm overall size/length and cannot exceed 40 meters in overall size/length.
  • Any Claws and Fangs on the animal count as if they have 100 Durability; if broken, they cannot be used for the remaining topic. Furthermore, physical strikes with these claws and fangs follow the sharp weapon formula of Speed/2.
  • The duration a Magical Beast can remain in play depends on the owners Aura Points. If the owner runs out of Aura Points (AP) or cannot pay the cost, the Magical Beast will be released. The summoning attempt fails if the summoner does not have enough AP. Magical Beast can be freely de-summoned, but additional AP are required to return them.
  • The summoner pays an AP cost for every active Magical Beast present on the field and AP discounts do not apply to this cost.

Magical Beast Power Rank System:

General Rules

  • Familiars can't learn Nen.
  • Familiars and Magical Beasts can't have or use Hatsu.
  • Familiars and Magical Beasts can't be used for any kind of sacrifice.
  • Familiars and Magical Beasts can't have Bloodlines or its Techniques.
  • Familiars and Magical Beasts can't give or receive transplants.
  • Any topics the familiar participated in, needs to be linked on the Familiar character page.
  • Familiars go through Activity Checks (AC) alongside their owner, and topics they have participated in can count towards meeting the required WC quota.
  • The player can use banked WC to train stats for their Familiar.
  • No players can teach familiars techniques not related to them.
  • Passive abilities such as flight/burrowing have a universal cap of 50 meters from the elevation/submersion point.
  • Their passive abilities cannot be AP/HP/SP regeneration for them or for their owners.
  • Supernatural theme is not allowed for Familiars but allowed for Magical Beasts.
  • Players can purchase Magic Treats to increase their odds of capture but there should be at least one odd. So if the odds are 1/5, the player can use up to 3 Magical Treats in order to make the odds 4/5 leaving out one.
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