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Thread and Roleplay Guide Empty Thread and Roleplay Guide

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:50 am

Thread and Roleplay Guide


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Thread and Roleplay Guide RlNMUAA

Thread and Roleplay Guide

In Hunter RPG, the roleplaying style is post-by-turn, also known as turn-based roleplay. Participants post their character's actions, thoughts, and dialogue in this format, typically in a structured order. This turn-based system allows for a more organized and collaborative storytelling experience.

Each participant waits to post during the roleplay and advances the story according to the established order. This format helps maintain fairness, gives all participants an equal opportunity to contribute, and allows for a clear narrative progression. It also enables players to strategize, react to other characters' actions, and build on the evolving story in a structured manner.

Turn-based roleplay often involves a set of rules or guidelines to ensure smooth and consistent storytelling. These rules may specify the order of posting, limits on character actions or abilities, and any additional mechanics or systems used to resolve conflicts or determine outcomes.

Basic Rules

Thread and Roleplay Guide R7YG8YD

Topic Entrance

A character cannot enter a thread with any techniques active, nor can someone spawn their characters within 10m of another character (without permission).

Minimum Wordcount, Characters & Topics

- Maximum of 10 characters in a single topic, no additional characters will be allowed to join.
- Each post made on Hunter RPG must contain at least 50 words. Posts falling below this word count may be considered spam and subject to moderation action.
- All role-play posts must be made in the third person, where actions are described as "He does this" or "She does this."

Topic Exit and Claims

Add 'Exit' to your final post and include all claims when ending/exiting a thread. "Claims" pertain to tallying the word count in a thread or post to determine the rewards or benefits a player can obtain based on that word count.

Points Utilization

When a character uses a technique during a post, especially a combat post, it's essential to list the technique name and the appropriate resource points (AP/SP) utilized. This practice signals the usage of Points expending creations in the topic. If the expenditure is absent, a staff member may intervene depending on the seriousness of the omission.

Prohibited Roleplay Styles

Vague Manipulation involves adding missing details to someone's post when they haven't provided them. Limited use of this technique is acceptable with reasonable outcomes. However, essential information should be edited by the player who omitted it. For instance, if a post mentions "Hisoka punches Killua" and doesn't specify the attacking fist or target area, Killua can reasonably decide that it was the left hand aimed at his stomach.

It's important to note that Vague Manipulation cannot alter someone's appearance, have characters appear naked, or manipulate attributes like speed. Such actions are considered trolling and unfair manipulation. Additionally, trying to assign specific speeds or attributes initially unspecified for an advantage in battle without alignment with the character's intent is not allowed and may result in voiding.

Voiding of Post

Post Voids are vital tools to ensure the integrity of roleplaying interactions. They come into play when a post breaches rules or contains actions that defy the established framework. When a post is voided, it is essentially erased from the thread, allowing the narrative to progress smoothly from the last valid action. Whether it's the entire post or just a voided portion, the thread continues as though the voided content was never introduced. This mechanism is overseen by staff members who wield the authority to apply post voids to maintain the fairness and coherence of the roleplay experience.

Editing of Submissions

Edits to posts after submission require agreement from all participants within the thread, except when directed by a battle Moderator as per the above rules. Unauthorized edits suspected by others should be supported with screenshots, but this won't pause post-timers. Minor grammatical or flavor changes are allowed without universal consent, specifically for enhancing grammar or flavor. However, any edits impacting character actions or others' actions must be approved. Editing without consent leads to post-voiding.

Prohibited Roleplay Styles

In Hunter RPG, certain roleplay styles are prohibited due to their disruptive nature. These styles can hinder the narrative flow and impact the overall quality of the roleplay experience.

Filler Style: Adding irrelevant details to your post artificially inflates its length. This practice obstructs the flow of the roleplay and is discouraged. Stick to relevant and meaningful content that contributes to the narrative and interaction.

Code Style: Describe actions clearly; don't use cryptic or ambiguous descriptions. Provide direct explanations of your character's actions. At the end of a combat post, list the creation name and the corresponding cost (e.g., AP) used to signal your actions.

Imbalanced Advantage Style: This involves introducing unrealistic or incompatible elements into the roleplay setting, such as depicting a desert oasis in the heart of a bustling city or arming characters with futuristic weaponry in a medieval world. Using such elements to create an overtly unfair advantage, like trapping an opponent within a wall of fire or declaring them shielded by an impenetrable force field, is not permissible. These actions undermine the cohesion and fairness of the roleplay experience.

Topics Title Tags


Missions or Threads with S-Rank and A-Rank, Star or Cross cannot use this tag.

The "Private" tag designates a topic exclusively for you and those you invite. Security personnel reserve the right to enter your private thread if you engage in criminal activities within their territory.

[No Kill]

Missions or Threads with Mentors, S-Rank and A-Rank, Star or Cross cannot use this tag.

A "No Kill" tag indicates that killing within the thread is against the rules, and any intentional killing posts will be voided. Having a No Kill tag doesn't grant immortality, if you cannot counter a post and your character is vulnerable, they can still be defeated but won't be dead. Moreover, if you create a no-kill topic with another participant and provide them with a valid in-character reason to harm you, the no-kill tag does not prevent them from acting accordingly. This applies to related variations, such as No Kidnap/Capture. You cannot knock out a character, transport them to another thread, and then kill them there while claiming protection under the No Kill tag.

Combat Rules

Thread and Roleplay Guide CZgaTSF

In NRPG, combat can happen unexpectedly, emphasizing the need to update your character page. When combat breaks out, you must post it within the topic. This should include accurate stats, techniques, items, and traits at the topic's start to avoid confusion or voiding posts due to mix-ups.  For example, you are using a technique that was claimed after joining a topic but taking place in a period before the claim would result in the technique being voided and potentially putting your character's life at risk.

In addition to the above rules, Hunter RPG's mechanics prioritize numerical values and the text within applications and techniques over logical reasoning or real-world physics. If an application states a specific range or effect, it must be followed precisely, even if real-world logic might suggest otherwise. It's vital to adhere to the stated rules to maintain a level playing field and prevent misinterpretations.

When actions conflict or defy in-game logic, the responder must communicate the discrepancy and seek clarification. Hunter RPG's combat operates through a relative stat system, accommodating various stat differences for fairness. For example, if Player A has double the speed of Player B, their movement ratio would be 2:1. This system considers cross-stats to balance attack impact based on numerical disparities.

Death and Retirement

Thread and Roleplay Guide YDXhLW4

Regarding character death or retirement in Hunter RPG, there are specific guidelines and conditions to consider. Sometimes, a player may choose to create a new character with certain benefits after letting go of their previous character. This is known as a "replacement character." A replacement character can be created in two main circumstances: unintentional character death and retirement.

Unintentional Character Death:

This refers to situations where a character dies unintentionally, such as a failed hunter mission or a player-versus-player conflict. You can always create a replacement character without additional benefits in these cases.


Retirement occurs when a player decides it's time for their character's story to end or if their activity loss is over 100 days. The character can die through premeditated conflict with another character, take their own life, or retire to live a happy life. Once a character is retired, it can be reclaimed. When a character is reclaimed, the characters rank will be demoted one rank below their current state and half of their Jenny will be lost.
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