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Player : Kiba Muramasa
Age : 30
Gender : Male
Height : 173cm
Weight : 60kg
Class : Assassin
Rank : S-Rank
Village : Konohagakure
Guild : Guild Role
Personal : Tracker
Bank : Account

World of Isekai Mayhem Empty World of Isekai Mayhem

Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:20 pm

World of Isekai Mayhem

Hi Guest!
Welcome to Isekai Mayhem


World Map
Regions, Villages and Guilds
Mode of Transportation
Grand Line
Other Dimensions

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA

Isekai Mayhem is an alternate universe roleplay forum inspired by some of the most prominent anime series. As an alternate universe setting that incorporates multiple anime world, Isekai Mayhem allows players to create unique characters and explore a world that differentiates itself from other anime storylines.

Humans from their current living world are suddenly summoned into a world of magical fantasy. There they meet a nasty Goddess called Makima, who has a brief interaction with the summoned Human and bestows them with the power of the System and gives them certain gifts as a present to the Human turned Player.

The setting is described as a magical society where summoned humans now known as Players, play a central role. These Players possess mystical powers called Magic, which enables them to perform extraordinary feats such as moving at incredible speeds, summoning mystical creatures, using elemental powers, casting illusions and more. They utilize their skills and abilities to undertake various hired missions, strive to increase their power, and attain their goals.

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA
World Map

Image of World Map

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA
Regions, Villages and Guilds

There are five regions in total and those are listed as above. The regions in general are governed by the World Government [Staff Members] and they decide on the terms and condition of the regions. As of now, each region has a border for travelers and move through the world and each region is allowed to have a maximum of one village, each with their own entry gates.

There are five villages in total and those are listed as above. The villages in general are governed by the Kages and Deputy Kages [Players] and if that position is vacant, it shall then be governed by the World Government. The Kages decide on the terms and condition of the village upon the approval of the World Government. Each village has its own Entry Gate for travelers to enter into the village.

Each village is allowed to have a maximum of two guilds. The guilds in general are governed by the Guild Master [GM] [Players] and if that position is vacant, it shall then be governed by the World Government. The GMs decide on the terms and condition of the guild upon the approval of the World Government. Each guild has its own Entry Gate for anyone to enter into the base of the guild.

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA
Mode of Transportation

To travel to another Region, Village or Guild, there are two modes of transportation, via Foot and Mount. Firstly, the Player needs to make an Exit Thread in their Village Entry Gate and inform on the mode of transportation in the thread itself.

If traveling via Foot, the Player needs to make an Entry Thread in the town of the Region Border. Then if they wish to travel to the Village in that Region, they need to make an Entry Thread in the Village Entry Gate and wait 24 hours. If no member of the village enters into that thread within 24 hours, the Player may enter the village directly and make their next post within the village. From there, if a player wants to enter into a base of a Guild, they need to make an Entry Thread in the Guild Entry Gate and wait 24 hours. If no member of the guild enters into that thread within 24 hours, the Player may enter the guild directly and make their next post within the base of the guild.

If traveling via Mount, the Player can directly make an Entry Thread in the Village Entry Gate and wait 24 hours and follow the same protocol as mentioned above.

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA
Grand Line

The Grand Line is a vast ocean that is split into four sections with multiple islands in it, the four sections are listed as below. The grand lines in general are governed by the World Government [Staff Members] and they decide on the terms and condition of the Blues. The Islands are known for its population of magical creatures and rare treasures. In order to travel to the Grand Line, at least two players must embark on a journey via a Ship.

World of Isekai Mayhem RlNMUAA
Other Dimensions

The Other Dimension is an alternate universal setting that is split into multiple sections as listed above. The grand lines in general are governed by the World Government [Staff Members] and they decide on the terms and condition of the Dimensions. The Dimensions are known for its dangerous environment that provides high rewards for completing the task given by the Goddess.

The only way to travel to the Dimension is during an event conducted by the System. The Players will be summoned into the Dimension and given a mission to complete and if completed successfully, they may receive items that are highly valuable.
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